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Please consider making a donation to Nine-Story Mountain. We are starting a huge effort to translate the film into six different languages: Tibetan, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Dutch. We also intend to make the DVD featuring all six languages available in a NTSC version and a PAL version. This means we can share the film with people around the world. Help us make this vision a reality by donating even a small amount to our student film. Every little bit counts!



Please make checks available to "From The Heart Productions" 

and write 'Nine-Story Mountain' in the memo. Send checks to:


Carole Dean

From The Heart Productions

c/o Nine-Story Mountain

1455 Mandalay Beach Road

Oxnard, CA 93035-2845


Thank you to our sponsors:

The Royal Geographical Society

The Scientific Exploration Society

The Peter Lienhardt and Philip Bagby Fund

The Frederick Soddy Trust

The Oxford University Exploration Club

St. Hugh's College

The Adrian Ashby-Smith Memorial Trust

The Michael and Sonja Koerner Charitable Foundation

The Lucius and Eva Eastman Foundation

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